Passenger carriages
The association's passenger carriages
The association has a large collection of passenger carriages that are used in the train, are under renovation/long-term projects, or are on display to the public at Ångsågen.
B1S 4814 Serverings- och konferensvagn B1S 4814 är en ombyggd andraklass sittvagn, ursprungligen av…
S11 4880 Bar- och biovagn S11 Specialvagnen S11 4880 är en ombyggd järnvägsvagn som kombinerar biogr…
A2 5087 Förstaklassvagn med högsta komfort Personvagnen A2 är en förstaklass sittvagn av 1960-talsty…
A2 5053 First class carriage with highest comfort The A2 5053 passenger carriage is a first class seating carriage of the 1960s...
R2 5184 Restaurant trolley that was previously a combined seating trolley The R2 5184 restaurant trolley is a trolley that...
B1 4901 Second class carriage in open saloon The B1 4901 passenger carriage is a second class seating carriage of the 1960s type...
B1K 5114 Andraklassvagn i öppen salong Personvagnen B1K 5114 är en andraklass sittvagn av 1960-talst…
AB3K 4873 Combined first- and second-class carriage The AB3K is a combined first- and second-class carriage...
F6K 55199 Freight wagon - a classic in locomotive trains The F24 freight wagons, formerly known as Fo5b and F6K...
B5 4932 Design and use The B5 carriages combined both saloon and sleeping compartments, offering a...